Custom Restaurant Booths
We are experts at making custom restaurant booths and are here to help. We can construct a custom booth for you in any shape or size and with upholstery options. As the manufacturer we can ensure the highest quality and make sure only the best materials are used for your booths. Our skilled American craftsmen use superior construction methods to ensure long-lasting durability. [+] read more...
We take great pride in meeting and perhaps exceeding our customers expectations by designing these custom booths for restaurants that can be customized and altered if and when needed. Much like the commercial restaurant furniture we sell here at Affordable Seating, we fulfill countless unique restaurant booth design and upholstery requests from our clients. Service and quality are paramount to long lasting and synergistic relationships with our customers. We craft and sell these custom made booths for restaurants and for other venues in need of seating solutions for that purpose.
These restaurant booths are manufactured with your furnishing needs in mind and are sold in any size and shape along with a choice of materials. Designed to fit your exact space and decor requirements, these custom booths are sure to make your establishment stand out and last.
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